5 Ways Your Business Can Use Old Customers to Generate New Sales

14 Aug

Your Business Can Use Old Customers to Generate New Sales

Are you using your old customers to generate new sales?  If not, then odds are you’re losing out on a tremendous amount of revenue.  There are simple techniques to engage your customers to become an unpaid sales force. Here are 5 key ways to engage your old customers and generate additional sales in no time!

1. Offer New Discounts

It might seem simple to offer up new discounts to your old customers to reengage them, but the bottom line is that this technique works well.  While you might not get every old customer buying more or buying again, you will likely old customers’ attention.  This can be especially effective if the discount is truly a good deal and reminds them that you are still thinking about them.

2. Invite Them to Bring in Friends

Offering a discount is always a good way to reengage your old customers. However, giving them an even larger discount when they refer new customers to you can work like a charm. Not only does it get your old customer thinking about you again, but this process also brings new customers into your door and expands your business!

3. Offer a Referral Fee

Why not offer your old customers a straightforward referral fee?  The pitch would be something like, “I will give you X dollars for every customer you bring me that buys from us.”  If they already like your product and are a regular customer this tactic could be very effective. This will re-engage your customer and after all, who doesn’t like making money?

4. Launch New Products & Services

Telling your old customers about new products will get their attention.  You might be thinking, “I don’t have any new products.”  It doesn’t need to be a huge product launch, maybe you’ve created a new app for your company, started using a new system that has eliminate waiting at your restaurant, or launched a new website.  Any updates about your products or changes in the business could be interesting to your customers.

5. Follow-up Quickly After a Sale

Sometimes the best way to get your customers to help you attract new business is to get them to give you a recommendation in writing. Your best opportunity to do this is right after you sold them something. Within 7-10 days after a sale, you should contact your customers with a handwritten note or email to thank them and ask them for a recommendation your request should include a link to your LinkedIn account, Yelp profile, Facebook fan page or Google+ local listing.  You want to make it easy for your customers to tell their contacts how much they enjoyed doing business with you. They are far less likely to give you their time or recommendation if they have to hunt for a link to do so.


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Posted by on August 14, 2012 in Articles


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